Sunday, May 5, 2013

Blog Assignment #15 Final Reflection

My Future Classroom

My major is secondary education English, and when I do become a teacher, I hope to be teaching 11th or 12th grade English/Literature. I have wanted to be an English teacher ever since I was in high school because I had several amazing English teachers all throughout my time in school who really inspired me and prepared me for the English courses I would be taking in college. Therefore, when I visualize myself as being a teacher, I see myself as being as inspirational to my students as my past teachers were to me.

In my future classroom, my main goal is to not be a burp-back educator. I do NOT want my students to only memorize the information that is on the test and forget it the next day. That is not learning, and as a teacher, you are suppose to get your students to learn-not memorize. Teachers who use the burp-back method of teaching are just lazy, and in the future I will strive to never become a lazy teacher. I will do whatever I can to get my students to retain the information that they need to know, and I will make sure that I have done everything I can to get them ready for college.

I also want to give my students an advantage by providing my students with every technological tool that they can learn to use in order to prepare themselves for when they go to college or get a job. The world is changing because of technology, and the only way to become a successful teacher is to change with it. That is the only way that the students will be prepared for the real world. Using these technological tools will also spark the interest of my students.

Some of the the tools that I will use in my future classroom will be blogs, twitter, Google docs, and maybe one day the new technology we learned about through blog post #14 called CourseSmart. Using a blog will be very resourceful for me as an English teacher. I plan to give reading assignments and get the students to give responses and summaries on their blogs for their classmates to comment on. I also want to use blogs in order to create an audience from all over the world for my students. I would use twitter in the classroom by getting the students to create their own educational twitter name, and during class discussion, they could ask questions or make comments from there. This is also a great way for the students to keep track of the discussion and take notes. I would use the CourseSmart technology to make sure that my students are reading the materials they need to.

Compared to my 1st blog post, my outlook on using technology in the classroom has changed drastically. At the beginning of this semester I thought that none of the stuff we were learning in this class was important, and that I would never use it. However, now I understand how important it is to introduce my students to the new uses of technology. Before I took this class, I would have punished my students for using their phones or computers, but now I will encourage it. In my class, I will have all of my students using iPad of laptops almost every day.

Final Reflection

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